Life is so much more than your circumstances
“People are always blaming circumstances for what they are. I don’t believe in circumstances. The people who get ahead in this world are the people who get up and look for the circumstances they want, and if they can’t find them, make them.”
I remember the day when I walked out for school for the first time at the age of three and half. There was no one to drop me till the campus but I followed some elder kids till school. When I reached the school I was really confused because the reality of school was beyond my imagination. I had imagined school to be a big campus where everyone would sit around playing and enjoying but there were buildings (the buildings when I think today were not that tall but that time those were like multi story buildings ) inside which there were so many classes. I had no idea where I was suppose to sit so I randomly chose a class and sat, however, later I was sent to my class.
In my country kids are not admitted in the government schools before the age of six and private schools are expensive but I was really desperate to go school that I somehow managed to be there at the age of three and half. When I think of that today, I have to say that God's favor was upon me even then. I somehow joined the school staying away from parents at that age ( I had the spirit to fight with my circumstances even at that age) but it was definitely not easy at all. I cried, laughed, stumbled, fell and stood back up and walked on my own. I had no one to cry with and never had any options, had to accept whatever came along the way. I had no option to choose what I wanted to eat, wear, play etc. So I learned to accept whatever I was provided with and was still grateful for all those and still am today. I had no one to turn to when I wanted a shoulder to lean on and cry. Overall I grew up on my own without holding anyone's finger from the age of three and half. My parents appreciate me for never being demanding as a kid but that was because I had to learn to be that way. I stayed away from my parents since I came to my senses and of course others would not tolerate my childish behaviors so the only option I was left with was to act mature as soon as possible. I don't want to go into detail because it somehow still hurts me when I think of all those. I somehow got through that phase of my life and I thought the most bitter part of my life was over and that I had climbed the highest mountain.
I was absolutely wrong because so many things happened one after another in my life along the way. The thing is I had to understand life is a series of all these ups and downs. The bitter incidences in my life have always helped me grow more than the good ones. After every storm I find myself at a higher level than the previous level. If through good circumstances I have climbed one step higher, the storms in my life have taken me ten steps higher. Its true that when I think of those dark phases of my life I can feel some kind of pain in some corner of my heart but at the same time I am grateful to God for letting those dark phases be a part of life because without those phases I would not have been able to learn as much as I have been able to till date.
At times I of course felt like God was so very ignorant toward me but I have to admit the fact that 'His grace was always enough for me to get through' and I always made to the next level. I am glad that I never gave in but chose to rise above my circumstances. My battle is not over yet and it will continue as long as I am breathing but one thing I am very sure and confident about is that God will always be my refuge and I will get through rising higher and higher irrespective of the circumstances.
I have no complains, no regrets and no grudges but instead I am very grateful to all those who made the journey of my life interesting by making it difficult for me. If everything would have turned out the way I wanted, I guess I would have never learned what I have learned. Whatever I have learned along the way so far and whatever I will be learning along the way further are and will be my greatest wealth or asset. Every bad circumstances and every difficult people promoted me to a higher level and helped me gain extra favor in God's sight. What can be a greater and better gift than that! I have the strength to smile and hope even in the darkest phase of my life. I am confident that I am fully prepared for whatever lies ahead because I have the favor of the Almighty.
I want to encourage all those who are in the midst of any kind of storm. You are not alone and if you are willing you can rise very high. Its up to you to decide whether you are gonna let your circumstances take you down or higher than you could ever imagine. Make a decision today whether you want to become the victim or the VICTOR. Whatever you decide will define your life so make sure you make a the right decision.
Some of my favorite Quotes
'A little more persistence, a little more effort, and what seemed hopeless failure may turn to glorious success.' By Elbert Hubbard
“Nothing could be worse than the fear that one had given up too soon, and left one unexpended effort that might have saved the world.” By Jane Addams
“Our greatest glory is not in never falling but in rising every time we fall.” By Confucius
“Never let your head hang down. Never give up or sit down and grieve. Find another way.”
By Satchel Paige
“You just can’t beat the person who won’t give up.” By Babe Ruth
“The world ain’t all sunshine and rainbows. It’s a very mean and nasty place and I don’t care how tough you are it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it. You, me, or nobody is gonna hit as hard as life. But it ain’t about how hard ya hit. It’s about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward.”
My best wishes and love to everyone. You haven't lost the battle as long as you have the spirit to fight.