Daughters are like flowers, the more you take care the more beautiful they grow. |
If I had a daughter this is the letter I would want her to read and I am sure all our mothers would like us to know these things. Our mothers may not have framed the sentences in these exact words but I am sure they do want us to know these things. I am obviously not a mother and not even close to becoming one but if I ever have a daughter I would want her to grow up to be a woman with strength, grace and standard. It is also a reminder to myself and all the daughters out there. This letter is dedicated to all the daughters including myself (all women).
My dear daughter (all the daughters),
You are a beautiful angel and God's gift to me and the world. Welcome to the beautiful world and hats off to you for being born as a girl child. You are a piece of my heart and so it is not going to be easy for me to let you face the reality of the world. Though the world is a beautiful place and life is so very interesting but you are going to get knocked down several times until you learn to see the beauty of being knocked down. So please hear me out and remember some of these words when you face difficult situations.
Life is going to hit you hard and not just once but time and again. When you get hit don't misunderstand it as life's way of punishing you but it is how life teach lessons. It's not just you, everyone has to walk through that path from time to time. The only difference is that some of us have learned the lessons and it has become little easier for us now. You will get there.
You are going to have bruised knee, pimple marks and broken heart but that's all normal so don't you dare pause your life for anything or anyone. Sooner or later you are going to know that the superman, the superwoman or the prince charming ain't coming to rescue you. You got to be your own rescue. No matter how tall or wise you grow, your beautiful hands or your beautiful mind will never grow enough to heal all your pains. So get to know God personally because only with His strength you will be able to make it to the next level.
My dear baby girl I know you are going to wander sometimes in search of true love and before you find the right person you are going to get your heart broken. You may get your heart broken once, twice or may be several times but don't you dare give up on love. Don't ever get bitter towards anyone even when your heart is broken into thousand pieces. Trust me I wouldn't have said this if I had not gotten my heart broken but I did. However, I learned to rise up and start looking at my broken heart as one of the best blessings of my life. You may not want to believe this when you get your heart broken but please keep living and you will see that I am right.When you get your heart broken I would like you to know that I am right here for you with all the chocolates you need till you exhaust your tears.
However, also know this that once you have cried out your tears, you got to get back up on your two feet even if your feet feel feeble. Trust me you will have to walk some distance before you get back the strength on your feet. So don't you dare wait for the strength to come looking for you because strength is strange that way. It only walks toward those who walk towards it. Every time you are knocked down if you make it a habit of walking back towards the strength, trust me very soon strength will start walking towards you anytime you are in need.
Never spend your life with someone who doesn't respect and celebrate you. Be grateful that you are born in this generation and take full advantage of it. You are of the generation which doesn't necessarily pressurize you to share your life with just anyone. If you never find the person for whom your heart beats and someone who you would want to share your life with, then, please know this that "IT IS OK TO STAY SINGLE FOREVER" if you choose to. Whether you choose to get married or stay single, do so on your own terms. However you choose to live your life is up to you. Don't let anyone tell you what you should do with your life, not even me.
My dear baby girl you don't have to pretend to be strong when you feel weak. All strong people feel weak but they never give up. If the pain is too severe for the chocolates to heal then you will always have the rain to cry with you if no one else. Go out in the rain and cry all your tears and let the sky cry with you. If not the rain then there will always be some other way. You will have to make a way and see what works for you. We are all very unique and so what works for me may not work for you but there is always something that works for us individually. It's your quest to figure out what's that magic for you.
Be your own self. You need not try and be like anyone else other than you. If you try and be like someone else you are always going to fail but you will make an excellent "You". Just do you. Be it make up, fashion, style or self image, personalize and know who you are. Just because something looks good on some "influential figure" doesn't mean you have to try and copy them. Take off the pressure to be like someone else. Your goal should always be to be the best version of you. Take good care of yourself, be it your skin, health, beauty, heart or dream. Always remember that you are your only competition.
When things doesn't go your way and life doesn't make sense, still keep believing in the beauty of life. No matter how steep a mountain you might have to climb, don't you dare give up, trust me the view from the mountain top will be worth the climb. Don't be afraid to stick your tongue out to get the taste of life, you may not always like how it tastes but you got to be familiar with the different tastes of life. So take risk and gain the experiences.
People will tell you all sorts of things and will try to caution you but before you take any opinion, take time to know yourself and your creator. If you take time to listen to the creator you will always find an answer to your questions, so take time to listen. Also remember when you pray God will always answer. At times God's answer will be "NO", so then you got to know that He has something better for you. Never stop believing that you were created with a beautiful purpose and never settle for a mediocre life.
My beautiful baby girl always remember that I did not bring you into this world so that you just make it through life,but you were born to be a warrior and do life justice. Don't ever stop growing and learning. You deserve to live a beautiful life but you got to survive through the difficult times and not give up.
My sweet little girl, live life in humility always. Always apologies when you have done something wrong but don't you dare be sorry or guilty for speaking the truth, doing the right thing, for refusing to settle for a mediocre life, for the way your beautiful eyes sparkle , for the passion you carry inside of you and above all for your faith.
You may never feel fully prepared or ready but do show up. Take as many risks as early in life as possible. There are going to be few or many failures but better fail than never try. As long as you are trying you are already ahead of those who aren't doing so. You are the youngest you can be at this moment. From this moment on you are only going to get older so no matter how old or young you are, this is the right time to start. You definitely haven't figured it all out yet, but who has? Don't beat yourself up for that, you will never figure out everything and that's perfectly OK.
This is definitely not everything I would want you know there are many more. No single person will be able to teach you all the lessons of life, so learn from everyone you come across. Every person you meet will have something to teach you if only you stay sensitive. You are exactly where you are suppose to be at this point in life. As you go through life you are going to learn so much more and I hope to get some wise advice from you. I am growing and learning too so I hope to give you better advice in future when I know better.
For now this is all I have to say. Stay blessed and beautiful.
Mom (all the moms).