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I wouldn't want to be any younger because the wisdom I have collected along life's journey this far is not worth my youth. |
I know I have not come up with any post for quite sometime now and that's because I wanted to start my post for 2017 on my birthday.
I am going to share some nuggets I have picked along the journey of life during my 29 years on this beautiful planet. The lessons (in no particular order) are:
1) God is always good :
I have experienced God's love in so many different areas in my life. God's love and goodness may not always have come to me in the best shape and form but when all was said and done I could always see that bright light shinning through in the darkest of times. God has always been good to me even in times when I was not able to understand His goodness and I am grateful.
2) Wisdom is the best wealth:
I wouldn't trade wisdom for anything at all and would give up anything and everything for it. Wisdom is what helps the wise keep going when all odds are against them, make better choices and live a better life.
3) Nobody has it all figured out:
I am a very curious person, always willing to learn but I seem to have been so obsessed with knowing it all that I started stressing myself over it. I had to learn to pause and be OK with not knowing everything.I have learned that I don't have to know everything to use everything. Now I am much relaxed taking one step at a time and I have learned that no body has it all figured out.
4) Not everyone is going to like you and that is perfectly OK:
You maybe the best piece of apple there is but there will always be people who do not like apple. So it should not be your problem if you come across these people. You are still the same the person. Be the person you are irrespective who does or doesn't like you.
5) Never take education for granted:
Now by education I don't mean the number certificates you hold but the opportunities to learn. The degrees certificates earned are the by product of education. You may lose what you earn but you will never lose what you learn.
6) You don't have to give into peer pressure and try and fit in:
For this you need to know yourself very well otherwise you will keep trying to fit in or be like someone else. Once you are confident of who you are it won't matter who like you as long as you like you. DON'T waste your time trying to be like someone else. You will be the happiest when you learn to be confident of who you are irrespective of whether your peers are on board with you or not.
7) Never stop growing and learning:
The moment you stop growing and learning is the moment you stop living. I can't imagine a day in my life when I get to learn nothing. Irrespective of how learned or well read one may be there is always enough space to learn and grow more. Never let anything come between you and your growth.
8) Less is more:
The less stuffs you own the richer you feel. 2016 was the year I started understanding minimalism and it has helped me reflect on everything understand that life is never about owning stuffs. I have learned tot own only those stuffs that bring you true joy. It was the book 'The Life Changing magic of tidying up' by Marie Kondo that helped me on my journey to minimalism.
9) Be your own best friend:
This lesson has made my life so much better. Obviously I did not learn it the easy way. I did struggle to be my own best friend but now that I am, every single moment of my life is so much more beautiful. I realized that I am one person that I will have to spend most of my life with and if I don't be a friend to myself life is going to get tough. Now that I am my own best friend, I can't remember the last time I was so depressed that I couldn't get over it. I do have my down moments but I immediately come to my rescue and everything seem to be great again.
10) No heartbreak is easy:
Every heart break is difficult but if you come out to the other side, you will come out so much stronger and better. It is true that 'what does not kill you definitely makes you stronger'. So if you are not dying then hold on a little longer, there are beautiful days ahead. Remind yourself this, "Sweetheart you are not the only one going through it".
11) Listen more and talk less:
Well this an easy one for me because I am not a talker. If you don't have anything good to say than it's better you say nothing at all. Anytime you get an opportunity to listen to words of wisdom grasp the opportunity. Soon you will realize that you know so much more than you thought you do just because you have been listening.
12) Do not let your expenditure exceed your income:
I have learned to make sure my expenditure do not exceed my income. Not being in debt makes life so much better. I can't even imagine being in debt. I understand for some it is unavoidable but always make sure you keep your expenditure is less than your income.
13) Forgiveness is for me and not for the one who receives it:
If you can forgive it just just means that you are a strong and wise person. You understand that humans are meant to make mistakes sometime. If I can forgive someone I am not doing that person a favor but I am doing myself a great favor and you will be able to relate to me if you are a wise person. However, if you can't relate to this, then I hope and pray that you get to do so very soon.
14) Any relationship is hard work:
It is all about figuring out which ones are worth putting in hard work and which ones are not.
15) Everything happens for a reason:
When I look back to the years I have lived, every single circumstance, people or thing that has ever crossed my path has in some way or the other served some purpose in my life and helped me be the person I am today or is leading me towards who I want to become tomorrow. There were things that happened and at that time they seemed unfair, was painful and horrible but today I realize that without those moments I would have never realized my strength. I don't believe that anything happens by chance or luck. Everything in life comes to us to test us and leave us once we learn the lesson.The hardest lessons in life are the most important ones
16) There is no failure only lessons and results:
We have all flunked a test, got out hearts broken from relationships that didn't work out, wanted one thing and got another and the list goes on. I have learned from the highly successful people that true success comes from not giving up and learning to fail. The people who enjoy great success were ones who dealt with their share of failure. Read about Thomas Edison, Abraham Lincoln or all the other successful people you know of and you will see how many times these people had to choose to not give up to failure. You are only a failure if choose to give up.
17) Your Challenges in life are the beautiful crown you get to wear:
The beauty of challenge is that they mold us to be the best version of who we are meant to be but that will only happen if you let the challenges build you and not destroy you. The beautiful testimonies come from people who have overcome the worst in life.
18) Your excuses will not take you anywhere in life:
I have learned to rise above my excuses and do what I am suppose to do. Remember that the world is so much bigger than your problems. The only thing you may earn from your excuses is little bit of sympathy and nothing more. Who wants sympathy anyway!
19) Nothing in life is constant:
At times change may make us uncomfortable but that's exactly what we need in life for our growth. Learn to embrace the changes in life because they are beautiful. It is OK to be nervous about the change but it is not OK to put your life on hold fearing the unknown.
20) Fear will only disappear when you confront it:
We all have some or the other kind of fear and as long as we keep running from our fears, they are going to keep following us. The moment we confront the fears they suddenly have no guts to face us.
21) Bad attitude is all you need for a miserable life:
It doesn't matter how blessed you are if you do not carry the right attitude you are always going to be miserable. Good attitude may not always help you get out of your problems but it is going you give you the strength that you need to deal with your problems. And that is going make you a better and stronger person than who you used to be. Good attitude is not always having a great life but it all about making the best out of the life you have.
22) You are not in competition with anyone but YOU:
There will always be someone who is better than you and that is perfectly OK. Of course be inspired by people but at the end of the day the only person you should be competing with is you. Learn from people , be inspired and motivated by good qualities in people and keep trying to be the best version of you. Remember we all have our strengths and weaknesses.
23)Don't postpone being happy:
Don't wait to be happy when this or that happens. Be happy in this very moment irrespective of what you have or don't have. Happiness is not be hoped for or chase after. It is to be created in this very moment. It's a choice.
24) Hurt people hurt others:
As you walk through life you are going to find people who will try and dump their garbage on you but don't take it personally because these are the people who are carrying way too much garbage and are looking for someone to dump it on. If you choose to get hurt you are simply taking in the garbage dumped on you. So just be thankful that you are not carrying their garbage and do sympathize them but don't take in the garbage.
25) Blessings in disguise are real:
In life we have to fight through some real challenges to earn the best days in life. You may be in the worst part of your life and you may be thinking 'what good can come out of this situation?' but let me tell you that the best things in my life have come to me after my darkest hours. Trust me life will end up surprising you in ways you can not even imagine. Don't be intimidated by the challenges you face. Most of the hardest moments of my life were actually the blessings in disguise and I am so glad that I did not yield to those moments.
26) There is so much more to life than how we look:
I have learned that beauty is not about how we look on the outside but how we feel in the inside. If we have an ugly heart we will never be beautiful no matter how much we cover up. No one knows us better than we know ourselves so if your heart is not right you are never going to feel beautiful. Now as I am turning 30 I can see the difference in my skin, I have started getting some dark spots and fine lines on my face but never before have I ever felt as beautiful as I do now.
27) Take one step at a time:
Don't be intimated by looking at the height of the mountain you have before you, just focus only on the next step you will have to take and soon you are going to learn that you have reached much further than you thought was possible. Even if the path is way too difficult just think about the step you are taking, slowly but surely you will get there.
28) Quality over quantity:
Quality always win over quantity. I choose quality over quantity for everything now, however I was not always this person. There was a time when I wanted to have as many as possible (typical human behavior) and I would trade off quantity over quality . Now I have learned to make better judgement. I now prefer few clothes that are of good quality, few friends who are real and few stuffs that are worth having. I am very happy with all that I have in my life today.
29) There is no one size fits for all:
In every area of life there is no just the one way that is just right. I have learned that not everyone has to be like me and neither do I have to be like everyone else. We are meant to be different and we have to walk our own path. There is no one right way to do things, our ways of doing the same thing may be very different depending on the person we are but that does not necessarily mean one of our ways is right and the other is wrong.
30) Age is just a number:
Well last but not the least I am grateful for every single day of my life. I have walked through some pretty harsh paths and I am grateful for every path I have come across. I also know there are going to paths that I will have to walk that are going to be more difficult than what I have walked through and I am preparing myself for every path. I know I am going to need some pretty good shoes to walk the tough roads or maybe good wheels but when I get there I don't want to be intimidated and back off. And YES age is just a number, whatever it is you want to do with your life you should just go for it and age should never be an excuse for you to stop dreaming or for your growth.
Of course I can go on and on because I am learning almost every moment but for now I just want to share 30 most important lessons to mark my 30th birthday. I hope some of these will be helpful to you. Please do share some lessons you have learned because I am always willing to learn.
Thank you for taking time to read and I am grateful for you. If you have read through the full post I can tell that you are a person who is willing to learn so all I have to say is keep up the spirit and Keep learning. Keep growing.
Stay beautiful,
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