I haven’t learned this the easy
way but somehow I have come to understand one very important key to enjoy life
and that is recognizing the battles that are not worth fighting.
It’s very
important that we learn not to make mountains out of molehills because when we
do so we will be wasting so much of our time, energy and emotion to an issue or
a situation which do not deserve that much of attention.
We got to learn to
ignore the battles that are not worth fighting so that we can fight those
battles that are really worth fighting. Knowing what really matters in life and
focusing on those things are really very important. We have limited time on
earth and the battles are way too many. If we keep fighting each and every
battle that comes our way, we may miss out or may not be able to fight the
important battles of our life. Avoid the temptation to fight certain battles
and you will see how much strength you would have stored up for the battles
that are worth fighting. We got to be willing to make some changes if we want to live in
peace and be happy. Being in peace is the position of power. Don’t always be
upset or aggravated about one thing or the other. Being upset is a position of weakness because
while in that position we may be making poor choices that we may regret
latter. Learning to rule over our
emotion is very essential to be peaceful. Investing our time changing our self
instead of trying to change the circumstances around us is very important.
It is not worth wasting our precious time trying to get even with someone who wronged us. If someone has wronged us, the best favor we can do for our self is to forgive them because if we do not do so we will be fighting battle worth nothing. Don’t get stressed out if things don’t always go your way
because there are things we cannot change no matter how hard we try so don’t
make the mistake of getting upset about every little thing. Let us not expect everyone around us to be just like us because our differences are what make each
one of us unique and that’s the beauty of life. It’s no use trying to change things and people
that are not meant to change; it’s not a battle worth fighting.
Let us remind ourself that not every battle in life is worth fighting.
With Love,