Thursday, December 31, 2015

The Best is yet to come

Wow! We are stepping into a new year 2016 and I have so much to be grateful for 2015. 

As we bid farewell to  2015 I am grateful for the beautiful year that has gone by.  It has been a very blessed year and it has taught me very good lessons. I have learned that life is beautiful irrespective of what does or doesn’t happen. I have been blessed with a beautiful life and that is what I am most grateful for. I have had difficult times no doubt but at the end of the day I have had many reasons to be thankful for. Yes I did go through situations where I was tempted to give up being grateful and I did run into people who tempted me to do the same. But I realized that those circumstances and the people were not permanent in my life. So I learned not to let something that is temporary in my life ruin the beauty of my life. One of the most important lessons I learned this past year was that there is nothing such as bad circumstances or bad people; they are just there to test us and help us grow. I have come to a point in my life where I have learned to be grateful for all the difficult circumstances and difficult people in my life because these circumstances and the people are what help us get to a higher level in life.
 I have learned that challenges are what help us grow in life so I am always ready for the challenges.

I know 2016 is going to be another blessed year , I am very confident that many blessings are heading my way with my name written all over and some of these blessings may come disguised as challenges so I am going to prepare myself and be geared up  to receive every blessing that is coming my way be it in any form. I believe that the blessings that i have received in the past would be nothing compared to the blessings that are heading my way. The Best is yet to come and I am very excited. Are you believing the same? If yes, then get excited!

Blessed New Year beautiful people and I hope you are all prepared to welcome the New Year and all the blessings it is bringing along with it.
Be grateful, Stay beautiful, and stay blessed. 

With love,

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Inner Voice

Have you ever taken some time to listen to yourself?

There are many voices that you will keep hearing. With today’s technology and everything around us it is indeed very difficult to listen to that voice inside of us. In today’s’ world,  we have this obsession of being occupied every second. If it’s not the work it’s the television, the social media, the friends, the family, the food, the drink, the worry etc. We have somehow by default learned to keep our selves occupied with something or the other because we have been told that ‘an empty mind is the devil’s workshop’. Yes that may be true (I have no say on this) if it’s kept empty for a very long time, it may become devil’s workshop but if we do not take time to empty our mind and shut everything around us for a little while every now and then, and listen to our inner voice we might not be living to our full potential.

I do not know about you but there is nothing that scares me more than not living my life to my full potential. For someone like me it’s not very difficult to shut up everything around me for sometime every once in a while because I find great pleasure in doing that. Every time I do that I discover something new about myself and I realize that I am capable of more than I ever realized. Maybe it won’t be easy for many but it will totally be worth.

You do not need to agree with me but if there is a small part of you asking you to listen to your inner voice, once in a while try that out. You can thank me later. 
