Wednesday, August 24, 2016

A small message to all my womenfolks

Be whoever you want to be
The social media generation has put everyone under so much pressure and I can see so many people trying to match up to the "standards" set by the world which is so confused on its own.
 It breaks my heart to see all the people losing their ability to see the inner beauty and the strength within. I wish I could let them see their true worth and let them understand that they are worthy and beautiful for no other reason but just because they are who they are. 

This is my message to all my beautiful girls who are worthy and beautiful just because they are who they are.

My dear girls,

This one is for you all.
Always remember that You are not just a face,  a body, the weight on the scale, the shoes you wear, the makeups you put on, or the number of followers on your social media accounts. Your worth is not dependent on who your friends are, who you date, who you will marry, what positions you will hold  , the number in  your bank account  or the numbers on the  scorecard.
None of these determine your worth.

You need not try and be any more thinner, taller, prettier, louder, quieter, or anything else apart from who you want to be and who you already are.  Yes, always keep working on being a better version of yourself but don't you dare waste your time trying to make your body, thoughts, or voice match up to the "standards" set by the world.

You are beautiful and just the fact that you exist is the proof that you are worthy and that you belong.
Don't waste your time trying to be popular and trying be liked instead take that time to take care of yourselves and to discover the real you.
Spend your time building a strong body, a brilliant mind, and a kind heart.
Let the world see the real you, the beautiful you, the wise you, the smart you, the kind you, and the unique you.

You are never too much or too less  but you are always enough (never ever forget that). 

When I look at you girls, I see beauty, love, hope, joy, peace and so much potential for a better world. 

 At times, You are going  feel like you are not enough and that you are a mess.  That's okay! Show up anyway. 
Yes, You are going to  to fall, fail, get your hearts broken and mess up along the way but you have the power to always get back up and move on. 
You have so much beauty and potential within  and the world needs that.  

Just Look at each other and see how unique and beautiful each one of you  are. You are not each other's competition instead you are each others' support system. I have seen you all laugh, cry and grow together. It's so  beautiful to see you all celebrate, standby and genuinely be happy for each other.

 Now that you are all stepping out into the world I can't wait to see what each one of you will accomplish.  I will be cheering for you all  always. Remember that it's going to take some time, so don't get discouraged when things don't turn out according to your timetable. Just keep moving forward and keeping believing that you matter and that anything is possible. All you need is the willingness to work for it. The world needs that gift and beauty inside of you to shine. 
Let your beautiful colors shine always. 

Tshering Lhamo Dukpa

Thursday, August 11, 2016

"Me Too"

I don't like to just sit and talk about problems of life and I know many of you don't either, but when people are hurting, I would at least want to be able to understand what they are going through. When I encounter people who are hurting I wish if only I could just say "ME TOO"( meaning that I have been through that situation and I know exactly how you are feeling) if nothing else. 

I would like to know how it feels like being rejected, broken, betrayed, hurt, messed up, failed, disappointed, vulnerable etc. I have noticed that when I know someone is going through what I have been through I tend to be more empathetic and not judgmental towards their action. However, that's not always the case with people who are going through issues I have never come across. To them I can't say "ME TOO" even if I want to because I know no matter how much I pretend to I will never be able to understand what they are going through exactly.  
Obviously none of us like it when we are going through any of these situations but once we are through it we always see life from a very different perspective. 
Anytime I am able to say "ME TOO" are the moments when I am grateful for all difficult times in my life. That's the beauty of experiences that are not so beautiful.  

Whenever I am going through that phase in life when I need someone to just be there for me, I would prefer someone who can say "ME TOO" to my situation because that person would exactly understand my pain.  I would rather not have any one around than have people who wouldn't be able to relate to my pain. 

For most of my life I have been a pretty positive kind of person but there have been times in my life when I have not been able to practice what I know. One thing I have noticed is that, any time I am going through the difficult phase of life, my common sense is the first one to leave me alone. I somehow tend to make wrong decisions and give in to the heat of the moment. And every time I come out of  those catastrophic situations I tell myself I am going to do things differently next time but I don't always make right decision when next time comes around. I Know many of you do the same so yes "ME TOO".
Yes! I am guilty of making the same mistake twice, thrice or most of the the time more often .

I don't think that the catastrophes that we go through in life have to be the devastation but those incidences can be the best experiences if only we can learn to see the hidden lessons. Just because I am writing about it doesn't mean I can always see the beauty in every situation but yes I do with all my heart believe that there is something good in every bad. One of those goods is of course being able to say "ME TOO".

So whatever you are going through in your life just be present in that moment and try and see what life is trying to teach you. Do not miss out on the experiences life is giving you. You do not want to be missing out on the "ME TOO" moments.

Take every circumstance in life as a beautiful experience and live beautiful!!!

Monday, August 1, 2016

Being a minimalist

Minimalism is becoming a huge trend and there are many great testimonies from people who have made this lifestyle change. I am in love with the concept and have been trying to practice it myself.  I have started my journey of being a minimalist.  I am in love with this process of being a minimalist and so I am writing about it a bit. 

For those of you who are not familiar with the concept of minimalism, though there are many definitions, but the one I like the most is that 'it is all about simplifying your life'. By simplifying I mean decluttering the stuffs from your life that doesn't serve the purpose anymore. It is about being aware and mindful of the choices that you make in what you keep in your life and what you let go. Once the space starts getting cleared out, life becomes so much more simple. It is just an idea and a concept, so there is no guidelines as such to follow. You can just practice the parts of minimalism that you resonate to and  anything that doesn't make sense to you can be left out. There is no obligation as such to follow the rules. It is more about the mindset than the quantity of stuffs. 

It's not about getting rid of all the stuffs but letting go of things or people that weigh you down. Now that I am getting familiar with the concept of minimalism I am made aware of the fact that in certain areas of my life I have always been a minimalist but in other areas I was completely the opposite. 
Growing up I remember I always had very less friends. I am pretty protective when it comes to my inner circle and till date I can very easily count the number of people in my inner circle. I can be somehow defined as a nerd. I have to admit that I seem to enjoy the company of books more than the company of people many a times. To me it does not matter how many people I have in my life but who are the people I call my friends. I know everyone is not the same and everyone need not be the same but this is who I am. 

 I have never been a minimalist when it comes to stuffs though. I owned way too many stuffs and I wasn't even aware of it until recently when I started decluttering my stuffs. Since I started decluttering my stuffs, clothes specifically, I am in a much happier place and I love the feeling of owning less. I don't even get the urge to shop every now and then any more. 
I am not saying that everyone should practice minimalism. It may not work for everyone but it really works well for me. Since I started on this journey of being a minimalist  my life is so less complicated and manageable. 

If you think minimalism is something that interest you then keep visiting my blog because I will be writing more on this topic. If you would like to learn the art of decluttering I would recommend the book 'The life changing Magic of tidying up ', the Japanese art of decluttering and organizing by Marie Kondo. That book completely changed my life. 

You don't have to try and compare your journey to anyone else's . The most important thing about minimalism I think is just being more mindful about your choices in any area of your life. There should be no judgement or comparison of your journey with anyone else's. 

Keep it simple and live beautiful!