Monday, March 3, 2014

let go of the past and make a new beginning

Its always good to cherish the past if it helps us but the problem arises when we start behaving ineffectively because we think, “this is the way it has always been, and it will continue to be this way” .  
Our pasts may be useful, or they may hinder our progress and growth.  It all depends on how relevant they are to the present and how we look at it. The one reason why we are all so burdened with life is because we have the tendency to carry our bitter past with us all the time. Any time we hold resentment, we hurt our-self. We may seem to blame a person or situation but the fact is inwardly we are blaming our self up for being a part of that relationship or experience. All the time we keep hearing about letting go of our past and moving forward but we are so reluctant and we fail to do so.
As we live and experience things, we must recognize what belongs and what doesn’t, what works and what doesn’t, and then make the choice to let go off things that are not meant for us. Not out of pride, inability, or arrogance, but simply because not everything is supposed to fit into our life.  At certain point in life we got to close the door on the past, change the music, clean up the mess,  and start over. When we stop being who we once were ,we can become who we are meant to be today.  Letting go has nothing to do with weakness, but everything to do with strength.  We got to let go and move on with our lives not to let others  realize our worth, but because we finally realize our own worth.
Remember that nothing starts easy; everything begins at some level of difficulty. At first everything seems difficult  but one beautiful thing about life is the fact that the most difficult challenges often come out with the most rewarding and satisfying outcome in the long run. The reason we do not wanna let go is because we are fearful of the unknown, wanting to be within our comfort zone always, and not willing to put up with short-term pain for long-term gain. But lets not forget that growth begins at the end of all these. The most successful outcomes we know about never started from a place of comfort and ease. 
Don't be afraid to start over but get excited expecting  something new and better. You never know what's waiting for you on the other side of your fear and doubt.

One very personal tip on letting go: please never hate or keep any kind of grudge against anything or anyone you are letting go because to hate anything or anyone you have to keep them in your heart so you can not let go that way.

It’s time to open the next chapter of your life.
 Every day is an opportunity to begin again. Each moment is an opportunity to begin again.
Don't try and figure out all the 'whys', someday everything you have been through will make perfect sense and everything will fall into place.

with love, 
Deborah :)

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