Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Perfectly Imperfect

Think about this word. It sounds good but what is perfect around us? 

 I have learned that perfect is not always real, whereas imperfect is real and beautiful if we have learned to see it the right way. When I look around carefully everything is so perfectly imperfect.  I have learned that nothing is perfect in the world we are living in but still everything is so beautiful. It tells me that, for anything to be beautiful it need not be perfect.
We  humans are always looking for things that we don’t posses irrespective of the fact that we may possess something better than what we are looking for.  Today we are all bound with an illusion to be someone that we are not. We long to be in someone else’s place no matter how good a place we are in. We tend to forget that even the ones we are longing to be like are no where near perfect. We are all very unique and we need to take pride in who we are. It’s always good to appreciate other people but it’s very unhealthy if we start longing to be just like them. If God wanted us to be like the person we are longing to be, He would have created us that way but He didn't and I believe He has a very good reason for that. 
It breaks my heart to see people comparing themselves to the other person they think are better than them and they complain about the differences but if we could ponder for a moment we would realize that the differences are what makes each one of us beautiful in our own way.  If only we could see how beautiful we are with all our imperfections we would never wish to be like anyone but ourselves. We got to understand that we are all different, some are tall while others are short, some are fair while others are dark, some are thin while others are fat, some have straight hair while others have curly hair, some have big eyes, nose etc  while others have small eyes, nose etc. Whichever category we fall in, we are beautiful in our own way and no one not even we ourselves have the right to think or say we are not beautiful. However we are, we are perfectly imperfect.

 It’s just a matter of perspective; all we need are the eyes and heart to see through the beauty within. It’s not just within ourselves that we need to see through but we need to learn to see the beauty in others too. We need to accept and appreciate people with their imperfections because we ourselves are nowhere near perfect but we are still beautiful so are the other people. 
Each one of us are perfectly imperfect just the way we are and so lets learn to accept ourselves and one another with the imperfections . Lets not try and change other people instead utilize that time to make the best of ourselves. 
Be the best you because you are beautiful irrespective of how you feel.  Once again you are perfectly imperfect :) .

With love,
Deborah <3