Friday, September 25, 2015

Getting comfortable being Uncomfortable

Comfort is a very pleasant thing and we all love being comfortable but comfort doesn’t help us grow. It’s very important to learn to be comfortable being uncomfortable. Being comfortable is not a bad thing but it does hinder our growth. I am pretty sure none of us want to get stuck in life, we all want to grow irrespective of how successful or unsuccessful we are. We all want to be our best and do great in life and for that we got to push ourselves out of our comfort zones. Some of us need a little push but for most of us the push has to be a really hard one. Sometimes on purpose we got to put ourselves in situations which kicks us out of our comfort zone.

Our worst enemy that keeps us within our comfort zone and doesn’t let us grow is our fear.  If we listen to our fear it will tell us things like:
                                                                      What if I don’t succeed?                                                                                                                                            What if people laugh at me?                                                                      What if I am not good enough?                                                                                          What if I am not capable enough?

Our fear can fill us with all these stupid “what ifs”.

If our fear is  keeping us from achieving whatever we want to achieve then it's high time we deal with it. Your fear will only obey you so you got to command it to keep quite. Do not let your fear stop you from stepping out of your comfort zone. If we are not uncomfortable that may mean we are not growing so I have learned that being uncomfortable is not that bad after all.

I have personally experienced that every time I got uncomfortable with my life, I always came out better than I was, when that season got over. All the irritations, uncomfortable zones and all my brokenness brought me to a better place than I had ever been. Yes I don’t like being uncomfortable but every time I get uncomfortable and life seems to be weighing me down, I have learned to stay strong knowing that there is something good heading my way. Every single challenge in my life helped me be a better version of myself.

Life is full of challenges and we all know this very well. The only thing we don’t accept is that these challenges will demand us to be uncomfortable. We can choose not to be uncomfortable and just give in or give up because that is the easiest thing to do, or we can choose to accept the challenges and stay uncomfortable which is not easy and will demand a lot of courage.  Well the choice is ours but so are the consequences.

The rule is simple: If we want to grow and make progress in life we got to learn to be uncomfortable or else we can stay comfortable and live in mediocrity. Life happens outside our comfort zone. When we move out of our comfort zone we got to remember that unexpected things are heading our way and so we got to be prepared for all that life throws at us.

I am blessed with a beautiful life but at times I do get uncomfortable with my life, I face real challenges and I struggle to get by. There are times I just feel like giving up but I keep reminding myself that I am heading towards something great and take every uncomfortable situation as a challenge that is going to help me get ahead and grow. I do not want to settle in mediocrity so I am preparing myself for the challenges every moment. There is so much more to life only if we move out of our comfort zone and face challenges instead of running from them.

We experience the real fun of life when we learn to take risks because without risks there isn't much to life. Once we learn to be comfortable being uncomfortable and start taking risk we would crave for the challenges because then we know the importance of challenges for growth and progress.

I have heard that the best things come to those who wait for it but as per my understanding of life the best things come to those who do not run away from the challenges of life but face them irrespective of the difficulties it bring along.

Stay beautiful and keep growing!!!!!

Love Deborah.

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