Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Inner Voice

Have you ever taken some time to listen to yourself?

There are many voices that you will keep hearing. With today’s technology and everything around us it is indeed very difficult to listen to that voice inside of us. In today’s’ world,  we have this obsession of being occupied every second. If it’s not the work it’s the television, the social media, the friends, the family, the food, the drink, the worry etc. We have somehow by default learned to keep our selves occupied with something or the other because we have been told that ‘an empty mind is the devil’s workshop’. Yes that may be true (I have no say on this) if it’s kept empty for a very long time, it may become devil’s workshop but if we do not take time to empty our mind and shut everything around us for a little while every now and then, and listen to our inner voice we might not be living to our full potential.

I do not know about you but there is nothing that scares me more than not living my life to my full potential. For someone like me it’s not very difficult to shut up everything around me for sometime every once in a while because I find great pleasure in doing that. Every time I do that I discover something new about myself and I realize that I am capable of more than I ever realized. Maybe it won’t be easy for many but it will totally be worth.

You do not need to agree with me but if there is a small part of you asking you to listen to your inner voice, once in a while try that out. You can thank me later. 


Saturday, October 10, 2015

It's not about the destination but the journey!!

I always try and get excited as i get out of my bed every morning.

 Though every day is not always the same , but I keep reminding myself how blessed I am to be still breathing. That is what gets me excited because I believe that if I am still breathing, it's a sign that I am not done yet. I love my life and I am very excited about what lies ahead. Though I am not living my dream life and no everything isn't  great in my life but I do believe in the beauty of life. Irrespective of what happens or doesn't happen I have promised myself that I am never going to give up on believing in the beauty of life and the possibilities that life can offer.

I haven't achieved the goals that i have set for myself , I am not even half way there but i take everyday as an opportunity to prepare myself for the goals i have set for myself. I don't know how long it is going to take to achieve the goals that i have set for my life but I am no way in hurry. I am completely loving the journey and I am least bothered about the destination for now.

I don't have enough money in my account, there are people in my life who do not understand the way I live my life so I get criticized, I am happily single but some people take that as a perfect reason to blame me for being me and I am kind of workaholic which drains me out completely most of the time.

BUT I AM HAPPY and that is what matters at the end of the day. So what if I don't have enough of any of those things, what matters the most is that I am happy.

Though everything is not perfect but I am grateful for the beautiful life I have been blessed with. Yes I do want to do great in life but I am not going to wait till I achieve all my goals to live the life I want to live. I am going to enjoy my life in my own way and be grateful for many blessings I have been blessed with.

It is not about the destination but the journey itself. If you are not happy with your journey, it's most unlikely that you will be happy with your destination.

So enjoy your journey and keep moving towards your destination but don't keep waiting to reach the destination.

Live beautiful!!!


Friday, September 25, 2015

Getting comfortable being Uncomfortable

Comfort is a very pleasant thing and we all love being comfortable but comfort doesn’t help us grow. It’s very important to learn to be comfortable being uncomfortable. Being comfortable is not a bad thing but it does hinder our growth. I am pretty sure none of us want to get stuck in life, we all want to grow irrespective of how successful or unsuccessful we are. We all want to be our best and do great in life and for that we got to push ourselves out of our comfort zones. Some of us need a little push but for most of us the push has to be a really hard one. Sometimes on purpose we got to put ourselves in situations which kicks us out of our comfort zone.

Our worst enemy that keeps us within our comfort zone and doesn’t let us grow is our fear.  If we listen to our fear it will tell us things like:
                                                                      What if I don’t succeed?                                                                                                                                            What if people laugh at me?                                                                      What if I am not good enough?                                                                                          What if I am not capable enough?

Our fear can fill us with all these stupid “what ifs”.

If our fear is  keeping us from achieving whatever we want to achieve then it's high time we deal with it. Your fear will only obey you so you got to command it to keep quite. Do not let your fear stop you from stepping out of your comfort zone. If we are not uncomfortable that may mean we are not growing so I have learned that being uncomfortable is not that bad after all.

I have personally experienced that every time I got uncomfortable with my life, I always came out better than I was, when that season got over. All the irritations, uncomfortable zones and all my brokenness brought me to a better place than I had ever been. Yes I don’t like being uncomfortable but every time I get uncomfortable and life seems to be weighing me down, I have learned to stay strong knowing that there is something good heading my way. Every single challenge in my life helped me be a better version of myself.

Life is full of challenges and we all know this very well. The only thing we don’t accept is that these challenges will demand us to be uncomfortable. We can choose not to be uncomfortable and just give in or give up because that is the easiest thing to do, or we can choose to accept the challenges and stay uncomfortable which is not easy and will demand a lot of courage.  Well the choice is ours but so are the consequences.

The rule is simple: If we want to grow and make progress in life we got to learn to be uncomfortable or else we can stay comfortable and live in mediocrity. Life happens outside our comfort zone. When we move out of our comfort zone we got to remember that unexpected things are heading our way and so we got to be prepared for all that life throws at us.

I am blessed with a beautiful life but at times I do get uncomfortable with my life, I face real challenges and I struggle to get by. There are times I just feel like giving up but I keep reminding myself that I am heading towards something great and take every uncomfortable situation as a challenge that is going to help me get ahead and grow. I do not want to settle in mediocrity so I am preparing myself for the challenges every moment. There is so much more to life only if we move out of our comfort zone and face challenges instead of running from them.

We experience the real fun of life when we learn to take risks because without risks there isn't much to life. Once we learn to be comfortable being uncomfortable and start taking risk we would crave for the challenges because then we know the importance of challenges for growth and progress.

I have heard that the best things come to those who wait for it but as per my understanding of life the best things come to those who do not run away from the challenges of life but face them irrespective of the difficulties it bring along.

Stay beautiful and keep growing!!!!!

Love Deborah.

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Yes I am an introvert and there is nothing wrong with me!

We live in a world of extroverts so if we are not careful the world may make us feel like there is something wrong about being an introvert. I choose to strongly disagree with that. I choose not to agree with the world that do not appreciate the beauty of diversity. 

I have always been an introvert myself but that doesn’t mean I don’t like talking to people or I am too shy. I do talk to people but I am not a small talk person. I like meaningful talks, talks that will enrich me and help me grow. I am not a shy person either and I don’t think introvert people are shy. If being social means talking to people no matter what the talks are about then I definitely would not fit there. I would rather be on my own learning something new, thinking or writing than being in a huge group talking and doing whatever the extroverts do. Yes I know people who love to be in places where there are many people around and I think that's a very good quality as well but there are some of us who love solitude more.

I do appreciate and admire the extroverts. Yes I do believe social skills are important but I also strongly believe that everyone has the freedom to be who they are without having to feel guilty. 

I am in a profession where I get to see many different kinds of pupils (my students) and I seriously love the diversity I get to witness. There are students in my class who always have something or the other to say in every topic and also there are students who have nothing to say in any of the topic. There are some whom I have to push a bit to speak up but there are some who would never speak no matter how hard I push them. I have learned that just because someone does not speak up in the class does not mean that he/she does not have any idea about the things being discussed. The most introvert pupil in my class are sometimes the ones who write the best answers.

Just because someone is an introvert does not mean that person would not be able to do great in life but instead introverts tend to do great in their solitude and some great ideas that has been passed down to us are from some great introverts. Some of the introverts who we appreciate for their contribution towards the society are Abraham Lincoln, Albert Einstein, Mahatma Gandhi, Rosa Parks, Bill Gates, Emma Watson and many more. Some of these great people have been known to be introverts and some have themselves declared to be introverts. 

Don’t ever underestimate an introvert person for their quite nature because they maybe be timid and quite but at the same time if need be they can be courageous and do what they got to do.

Whether you are an extrovert or an introvert you are equally capable of doing great things in life. The only thing we got be mindful of is to not judge someone just because that someone is not just like us. We are not meant to be all same , if we were all same that would be a really boring world to live in. Let's celebrate the diversity, celebrate us and celebrate others.

Just because someone is a quite person doesn't mean there is something wrong with that person. It's just a part of one's nature.

  If you are happy with your life hats-off to you but if you don't like it then you got to change certain things in your life. Do it now but don't waste your time worrying about the other person who is not just like you!!!

Celebrate life and the diversity. Live Beautiful!!!


Friday, February 13, 2015

Happy Valentine's Day all you blessed singles!!!!!

I would like to thank my friend for sending me this picture.
Well Valentine’s Day is here and I can feel that love is in the air ( ha ha ha ). It’s a wonderful occasion to celebrate for the couples no doubt but this post is for all those single people who feel like they have no right to celebrate this day.

I really love this day because it gives us an opportunity to take time to celebrate love the most beautiful thing known to us (mankind).  When we are in a relationship we are compelled (or also because we love to) to celebrate the day with just that one person. The good thing about celebrating the day as a single is that we get to celebrate love in different ways and with anyone we wish to. We are not under any compulsion to dedicate this day to just one person but to everyone we love.

Are you celebrating ????? Well, as for me I am definitely celebrating love this valentine and want make sure that I learn to appreciate love in every form.
If there is anyone whose heart has been broken, please don't be disheartened and please never give up on love. Just because you got your heart broken does not mean that love is to be blamed or that there is something wrong with you. Instead be grateful and celebrate that you have been saved from the love that was not true, I don’t mean to say that the person who broke your heart is to be blamed either, because you may not understand it now but someday you will be grateful to that person  (trust me on this, I bet you). You have been blessed with another chance to find your true love and please make sure that you do not settle for anything less than what you deserve this time. True love will never break your heart and I am sure your true love will find its way to you, but till then you have every right to celebrate love like anyone else.

I would like to dedicate this valentine to all my friends and family who have always loved me through the thick and the thin.
I want to take every opportunity possible to celebrate this day with all the beautiful people in my life. If you are reading this post , you are one of those people that I am grateful for so I am dedicating this valentine to you as well.

Happy Valentine’s Day!!!

 I would also like to take this opportunity to thank you for being a part of my life and for loving me. I love you!!!!!

Let us always celebrate the beauty of love.

P.S. #And all you single people, your ‘THE ONE’ will enter your life at the right time so don’t hurry. Wherever he/she is right now is being prepared for you so I hope you won’t make him/her enter your life before the right time because then your ‘THE ONE’ may not be fully prepared to be with you forever.

with lots of love,

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Happy New Year all you Beautiful People

For all the beautiful dreamers
Are you a dreamer?
 If you are then welcome aboard. I am a big time dreamer. The journey of life is a very crazy adventure and I love every bit of it.

 If you think dreamers are stupid people then please do not read this post because I assure you that you will simply be wasting your time. This post is explicitly for dreamers like me.

 To me life is like an empty jar, what you want to fill the jar with is up to you. You are an artist in your own way and so you are going to create your own masterpiece to fill in the jar. Do u believe in fairy tales and dream come true??? Well! I do  ( I know some find that stupid but hey that’s me and i can’t help) and I love the fact that I am a dreamer and a believer. I believe that all the forces work for my best interest ultimately.

If you are still reading this post then I am sure that you are a dreamer like me. Through this post I would like to encourage you to never stop dreaming and believing. There will be circumstances and the people that will discourage you at times but don’t let any of those change you and what you believe in. Don’t be ashamed or afraid of who you are. You are writing the story of your life every moment. Each one of us have our own story and our stories are what makes us unique. Don’t hesitate to share your story because that’s what makes us human and connects us to one another. You never know your story might make a difference in someone’s life. Share your story and you will find people who will be interested in your story making you realize that you are not alone in this huge universe. 

Believe in yourself and be confident of who you are. Never be afraid to dream and aim high in life. Like the finger prints, the stars in the Milky Way or the snow flakes, each one of us are unique and one of a kind. We all have something special in us that sets us apart from the others. Its not about being a super model or an Olympic gold medalist but your specialty and uniqueness can be reflected from things that we tend to ignore but are very significant like patience, a good listener, someone who can make others laugh. We try so very hard to be accepted by the society and the people around us but in life it’s not always about being accepted by everyone, it’s more about being accepted by our inner self.

In life there are going to be lots of ups, downs, and some bumps along the way but keep reminding yourself that there are people who can relate to you, understand you and will help you. If you are a dreamer or a believer don’t ever give up but keep reminding yourself that your pay day is coming. Keep growing even if you don’t seem to see the result immediately. Never stop exercising your mind with positive thoughts because as it is said a strong mind can do just about anything.

I hope you know that you are the author of your story and that you have every right to live the kind of life you want to live. As we enter into this New Year 2015 if you think you are not living the kind of life you want to live, remember that life is too short to live the way you don’t like. Make some changes today for better. We are all perfectly imperfect .

Kiss 2014 goodbye and welcome 2015 with a warm hug and sweet kisses. Have a blessed 2015. The best is yet to come. 
Happy New year!!!!!!!!

with love,
Deborah <3 

Monday, December 15, 2014

Inner circle

There are people in our lives who inspire us, challenge us, and help us grow. The kinds of people we associate with have great influence in our lives. Many a times the reason we do not grow or reach our highest potential is because we never get away from the wrong people. It’s very important that we connect with people who understand and appreciate our dreams. Life is too short to drag along the wrong people and try to convince them to get on board.
We got to be very careful as to who we let be in our inner circle i.e., people close to us.
I definitely do not want people who would question my dream and my capabilities, People who cannot appreciate me the way I am in my inner circle. I need people who will come into agreement with me and help me grow and not the people who would doubt my capabilities. I need people who would understand my destiny and be bold enough to agree with me in my belief. Over the years  I have had people who walked away from my life and losing them have been a blessing for me. They were good people but I have come to realize that they were not the kind of people I would want in my inner circle. With some people onboard it becomes very difficult for us to move forward, so earlier we let go of them the better we become. I had to understand that my destiny was never tied to people who walked away; these were the people who were with me but were never for me. I would rather be alone for a season than have people constantly dragging me down in my inner circle.

Are the people in your inner circle making you stronger, helping you grow, and making you a better person? 
Life is too short, your time is too valuable, and your destiny is too great to spend your life with people constantly pulling you down. Connect with people that understand and appreciate your uniqueness. If you get the wrong people out of your life, the right people will walk into your life. Not everyone will be willing or capable of going where you are going. Your true friends will not question who you are, won’t be jealous of your gifts, won’t talk you out of your dreams, and will be happy when you succeed and believe in what you are capable.
It’s not about the quantity of friends that are important but the quality of friends that matter. I would rather have few friends who are 100 percent for me than have many friends who are 50 percent for me.
Let go off the people who want to walk away from your life, you may not understand and it may break your heart but someday you will be grateful to them for walking away. Their walking away does not mean there is anything wrong with you but it’s because they cannot go where you are going and your destiny is way too great to be dragging them along. It does not mean that they are bad people it’s just that you are entering into a new season where they would not fit in. Say farewell and get excited for the new season you are entering into.

Monday, November 24, 2014


What comes to your mind when u think of the term 'Blessing' ? 
How have you been blessed? 
Do you take time to count your blessings?
Do you think your blessings are worth counting?

Well! To me, my blessings are each moment of my life. I believe in blessings and also in blessings in disguise. I have been blessed in many ways and many a times my blessings were  disguised as challenges. I haven't always lived a very comfortable life (and i am pretty sure most of us haven't) but those moments of my life that made me most uncomfortable are the moments I look back with gratefulness. Had it not been for the difficulties in my life, I would have never been where i am today. I definitely do not have a perfect life today but I sure am blessed. I have no desire to live a so called 'perfect life' because the imperfections are what makes me keep going. The challenges/difficulties/imperfections of life are what makes me wanna live a better life each day. 

I am always thinking about my blessings in life and at times it makes me wonder how did i deserve to be blessed so much. 

When I say I am blessed, I do not mean I have no reason to complain or that life does not frustrate me but when such things happen I do bounce back and see the brighter picture of life. I do face the challenges and tests of life every now and then (who does not?), when I face those I remind myself of all the blessings in my life and that is what helps me get back on track. 
These days we have to be careful because we have become very sensitive and we easily get offended but if only we take time to remind ourselves of all the blessings in life, we might not have to be so very sensitive. Being aware of our blessings give us the confidence and we tend to be least bothered about what others think or say about us. 

Everyone is blessed but it depends on how every individual look at it. Many a times the blessings are  disguised so I hope we do not fool ourselves and start complaining straight away. We never know those challenges we face may turn out to be the best thing that could have ever happened to us.   

Be blessed always!


Monday, June 23, 2014

Not every Battle in life is worth fighting

I haven’t learned this the easy way but somehow I have come to understand one very important key to enjoy life and that is recognizing the battles that are not worth fighting. 
It’s very important that we learn not to make mountains out of molehills because when we do so we will be wasting so much of our time, energy and emotion to an issue or a situation which do not deserve that much of attention. 
We got to learn to ignore the battles that are not worth fighting so that we can fight those battles that are really worth fighting. Knowing what really matters in life and focusing on those things are really very important. We have limited time on earth and the battles are way too many. If we keep fighting each and every battle that comes our way, we may miss out or may not be able to fight the important battles of our life. Avoid the temptation to fight certain battles and you will see how much strength you would have stored up for the battles that are worth fighting. We got to be willing to make some changes if we want to live in peace and be happy. Being in peace is the position of power. Don’t always be upset or aggravated about one thing or the other.  Being upset is a position of weakness because while in that position we may be making poor choices that we may regret latter.  Learning to rule over our emotion is very essential to be peaceful. Investing our time changing our self instead of trying to change the circumstances around us is very important.
It is not worth wasting our precious time trying to get even with someone who wronged us. If someone has wronged us, the best favor we can do for our self is to forgive them because if we do not do so we will be fighting battle worth nothing. Don’t get stressed out if things don’t always go your way because there are things we cannot change no matter how hard we try so don’t make the mistake of getting upset about every little thing. Let us not expect everyone around us to be just like us because our differences are what make each one of us unique and that’s the beauty of life.  It’s no use trying to change things and people that are not meant to change; it’s not a battle worth fighting.

Let us  remind ourself that not every battle in life is worth fighting.

With Love,


Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Love Vs. Heartbreak

I am not an expert on the subject but I would like to share some of my thoughts on love and heartbreaks. These are all my personal thoughts so it’s fine if you do not agree because each one of us have our own opinion. 
The reason I am writing this is because it breaks my heart when I hear people blaming love for their broken hearts. I believe that true love will never break your heart and if your heart has been broken then that love was never true.
Love is a beautiful thing and there is nothing more beautiful than love. It’s the best gift anyone can receive or give. The people who have the ability to give true love and the ones who receive such love are the most blessed ones. 
There are many kinds of love, be it in any form, love is always beautiful. Its love when a mother holds her new born, its love when a dad carries his little one on his shoulder,  its love when siblings stand for each other, its love when friends encourage one another through the difficult times, its love when a wife waits with the  meal on the table for her husband, its love when parents ignore their needs for the sake of their children’s need,  likewise love has different forms and be it in any form love is always beautiful . 
 We however tend to take love in some form for granted because some of these love tend to reach us way too easily, especially our parents’ love.  In today’s generation we give up on love way too easily and that is because we are blindfolded with the wrong concepts of love.  If we truly understand what love really is, we would never give up because love in itself is very attractive and beautiful that we would never want to give up on. 
We confuse love with many other things such as fear, lust, desire, attraction, etc and that is what is causing all the chaos like broken families, heartbreaks etc in our societies today. If we truly understand what love really is and if we avoid the confusion on love, our societies would be much better place to live in because so many problems would be solved if only we could understand the real concept of love. 
True love is not about romance, candle light dinner, and walk along the beach. It’s about respect, compromise, care and trust. Though love is about compromising for the ones we love but there is a huge difference between us willing to compromise and someone making us compromise. We got be wise enough to understand the difference. You don’t have to put up an outstanding performance to be loved.
The sad truth these days is that broken hearts are very common. However, heartbreaks do not disqualify us from being able to love but instead makes us stronger and helps us understand true love better.  
Well! who doesn't get their heart broken? But that doesn't mean we have to stop loving. I like many others have had my share of heartbreak and there was a time I used to wonder why, but as the time passed by I realized that it was the best thing that ever happened to me. The heartbreaks I went through made me understand love more clearly and helped me be a stronger person than I was.
 The beauty of love is that it accepts you with all your imperfections and you never have to try and be who you are not just to be loved. If you have ever gotten your heart broken just because you couldn't live up to someone’s expectations then that person did you a great favor by breaking your heart and you will definitely be grateful to them someday if not today. 
I know it sounds weird but it’s healthy to get your heart broken at times because every heart break brings you closer to yourself and makes you analyze yourself. But of course you should be willing to do the analysis. The more time you spend analyzing and understanding yourself the more you will be able to see what you are worth. Once you understand your true worth, no one will ever be able to break your heart.
So love and heart break has no correlation because these are two different concepts. Love everyone and if ever your heart tends to be breaking don’t take it way too seriously because someday that won’t matter a bit. So why ruin your today for something that is not going to matter in the long run.  Never stop loving no matter how your experiences have been but make every experience an opportunity to learn and never blame love for your heartbreak.

I Love You  <3

With love,
Deborah J
